
See what our valuable customers say about El Doray Daycare

There is no manual on parenthood and definitely no 'one size fits all' approach to it but having Teacher Dora on your side, she makes the journey seamless. Being a mom is a full hands-on job for me and I'm learning on it, it's been a great journey getting to know and understand my daughter with the help of Teacher Dora. Zoë and I are growing together and learning each day, and it's all thanks to Theodora, the great Teacher Dora.
Dr. Hauwa Sadiq
Teacher Dora is committed to giving every child a wholesome learning experience. Carefully taking the time to provide learning support; her approach to teaching is full of joy, fun, experiments and excitement which inspires children to love learning.
Mrs. Oby Igodan
THE GREAT TEACHER DORA! is dedicated and committed to the teaching profession. She is INTENTIONAL in both teaching and learning. She is summarily SERVING humanity to the best of her ability.
Alhasan Tauheed (Kaduna, Nigeria).
So I heard teacher Dora in 2018 Montessori international Sch. Porthacourt. She spoke passionately to parents about the care of their children with practical experience, I fell in love with her that day. She is passionate and intentional with children in educating them; academically, spiritually, physically etc. With her experiences over the years, I trust that every child or children in her space are safe. She's a good woman and God fearing. I wish her the best in all works.
Mrs. M. Wakama
Teacher Dora, You have set an amiable height in service delivery within the early childhood education sector. Your expertise in the person to person engagement have drawn out the best in many pupils.
Chief N. Ukaegbu
Teacher Dora has shown commitment to providing learning experiences for children that empowers them to confidently explore several learning concepts. Her commitment to providing Individualised learning support to each child ensures each child is adequately guided through his or her learning tasks.
Mrs. Sofola
Teacher Dora as I like to call her is one of the most wonderful personality I know. To me she is the teacher of teachers and and a great child minder. She will nurture a child mentally, physically and spiritually. This she does with the best practices and approaches to aid the overall development of a child.
Mr. Ebenezer (Abuja, Nigeria)
Teacher Dora is one of the best Children teachers I ve met. My daughter Zoyla is absolutely comfortable around her, and comments on her style of teaching. Her calmly way of imparting knowledge on the kids is amazing and adorable.
Honorable Leader Joe
TD like I fondly call Teacher Dora is teacher exceptional, anointed teacher to the nails. She is not confined to just teaching as a profession, TD is a life teacher to everyone she comes across, seeking to make an impact and change. I love TD and I wish you the very best on this exciting journey.
Charis Ilemona
We don't have testimonial to share TD, my life is a testimonial of Teacher Dora. So all I have say is thank you for accepting me, thank you for teaching me, thank you for guiding me, thank you for mentoring me by leading by example, thank you for coming into my life at the very perfect time, thank you for not giving up on me even when you had every reason to. Dear TD, my life's journey and story cannot be complete without mentioning your huge impact and I'm forever grateful to God for the gift of you.
Mrs. Esedebe (Benin City)
Ms TD as I love to call you. It would be impossible to count all the ways that you touched my teaching career. To a friend, teacher and mentor, I remember how you inspire me to feel very confident about what I do and to dream big. (You would say get use to big money🤗). Your leadership and example have not only help mentor me but have also shown me how to mentor others. Even days when I just go around saying "let's just get through today 😔. You would notice my countenance no matter how hard I try to just put up with work. And those soothing words... 🤗. You have consistently maintained strong business ethics while keeping smiles on your face and on the faces of others. I have watched you balance tutoring and discipline, and how you bring Dynamics in learning it's amazing. I can go on and on, but like I said words are not enough. In all being under your wings has helped grow me and is still growing me. Thank you for being a great person. We love you
Lady Magdalene
I met Teacher Dora in 2017 and it felt like after all my trauma,Life finally remembered me. Since then, I've experience growth in diverse phases of my life as a person and my relationship with people too. Teacher Dora has soooo much love to give, gentle but always firm and she has been a mother to me,I've never felt alone since my 2017 experience with mama as I fondly call her. Mama's unwavering faith in me has rubbed off on me as well. My therapy and Nudge. I thank God for Teacher Dora everyday, its a blessing to have met you.
Favour Isikpoje
Crossing paths with you teacher Dora is undeniably one of the best things that happened to me in the year 2020. Though I didn't get to spend a lot of time with you, the little I did was filled with lessons, encouragement and motivations. You are unarguably the teachers teacher. You are so filled with lessons to teach that main staring at you, one has something to learn🤭🤭. I love how you correct someone with love and that infectious smile of yours😊. I appreciate the fact that you recognize works done even when it seems irrelevant you make it become relevant. You are approachable and you gave me a shoulder to cry on when I needed one. I have really benefited a lot from you teacher Dora both physically and your inspiring articles online. And most of all you are still ready to render assistance whenever I need one. You are a rare gem teacher Dora and you are an undisputed blessing to our generation.I pray that the Almighty God bless you beyond imagination, grant all your heart desires and enlarge your coast. Thank you so much for all you do and pls keep doing more. Remain blessed.
Nwachukwu Chinonso Florence.
I have always known Yetti aka teacherdora as a little girl who always wanted to be a teacher . We were previllage to have her do some training with our teacher. One spectacular thing I learnt from her n we put to work was teachers dressing in brilliant colours. We put this to practice as dark coloured dresses were replaced by brilliant colours. We discovered that our toddlers learnt colours faster! "If a other professions can address themselves as Dr,Engr etc why can't teachers be *teacher ...?". She put swag in this proffession and prestige. Today I choose to call myself TeacherCy! She is an inspiring teacher who makes teaching very interesting. You can feel the passion when she talks and trains teachers. Keep inspiring others.
I was referred to Teacher Dora from South Africa when I needed a montessori training, I came back to Nigeria and I looked for you, meeting you was and is a blessing to me and my career because you were not just my teacher but you took me as family. Today I don't write applications or send cv looking for jobs but I get jobs on recommendations . You are the best teacher to teachers. You trained me to my own understanding. Behind a good early years teacher like me, there is teacher DORA. I brag about you anywhere.
Mrs. Joy Ebenezer
Ms. Theodora is one of my favorite early years teachers( I only have two of them)🤣. She is skilled and experienced in handling young children and meeting all their learning and developmental needs. Ms. Theodora is the embodiment of personalized learning as she is able to develop a learning plan for each child in her care, implement the plan and drive it to yield excellent results.I have seen her take a class of young children from playing all day and transform their lives, increasing their capacity and love for learning while improving their abilities and ensuring they hit their learning milestones before the end of the term. She is a superb teacher and a very valuable resource. Her heart is in the classroom. She makes learning fun and easy for every child put in her care.
A School Administrator from Abuja